Jamaica Today
I was reading the Observer today and noted that the religious groups were calling for people to boycott the showing of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN. Elder Allan Russel of Emanuel Apostolic Church said that it "a deliberate attempt by Hollywood to indoctrinate the world to a most sinful act." Whoa there! Now, like any other red-blood, born and bred Caribbean person, I am just as fearful of the thought of the whole homosexual thing taking over the world. Hell, I'm affected just as anyone else, probably more. After all it was just a month or so ago that my girlfriend and I were ogling this beefy, properly attired, not-too-bad looking young man at her gay's brother's birthday soirree, when to our deep disappointment, said brother confirmed that the subject of our admiration was looking to cupid to stick him with an arrow with the name of someone his own sex. So yes, I'm as concerned as the next broad. But you know what, I have to wonder about these religious groups, you know, our watch-dog on earth. Now to go back to Brother Russel from Emanuel Church, on what basis does the church decide what is a "most sinful act?" The term seems to indicate that some acts aren't so sinful. I mean, I've really always wondered this, is there a special part of hell that's designated for certain types of sin? And do the sins carry ratings? You know like, if I commit adultry, ok then, that's an everyday sin with a rating of 2/10 so therefore I should probably go to the eastern side of hell (Oh, I don't know how the place is set out) where the fire is just a tad bit hot. I hear it all the time, the person who has never set foot in a church since his mother stop forcing him to, who has a mistress, lies to his wife everyday in order to keep said mistress secret, on hearing about some homosexual act immediately becomes a paragon of morality, denouncing the act because "it is a sin, and against God's word." No thought of his own sins of adultry, lies and whatnot. Aren't they all sins deserving of the same condemnation? Oh, maybe I'm being naive. Back to Brother Russel from whats-it-call church. How does he justify his selectiveness on calling for Brokenback Mountain to be boycotted? Practically all the movies shown by Palace Amusement has not just one but several sins being committed - Murder, adultry, lies, theft, what's that other one called, hmmm, sex before marraige one (this is unbelievable but the term just not coming to mind). Well it just makes me wonder.
Ever read some of the articles that our so-called reporters, journalists write? Aren't they supposed to be economical when they write? you know, not say more than is necessary to get the point across? Read an article today about some wretched thief who got his just reward (saving us poor over-burdened taxpayers to boot) by crashing the stolen vehicle killing himself while running from the police. Anyway, story went on to tell that said thief stole several household articles before blindfolding the victim and removing his shoes from his feet. Did the writer think that the readers were going to think that the victim was wearing his shoes on his nose?
PNP Presidential race is heating up. No, actually it's on fire and I just can't wait until Saturday to know which poor soul is going to inherit the running of the country. Not sure if the winner(?) should be congratulated or commiserated with. In the beginning I really wasn't backing any of the candidates, just observing the whole thing. Now, as it relates to Sista P, I don't believe in voting for someone on the basis of his/her sex because I really think the best person whether male or female should be the one for the job. I however do recognize that if Sista P wins, it would be a very historic occassion and understandably so since it would speak to our progress as women in the world today. The fact that a woman can aspire to the highest post in the country is definitely something to celebrate. What concerns me however is the level of nastiness that has shrouded the issues that should be focused on. The race has basically deteriorated to a real market-place cass-cass with the mud-slinging that has been taking place. And now I find myself hoping that Portia will win just so that Phillips and his erudite team can be taught a lesson. Oh yes, what better lesson would there be? than them taking orders from Prime Minister Portia, that girl from the getto who only just got her first degree in the prime of her adult life.
Ever thought that Sista P should be running for the position of Governor-General instead of Prime Minister? Afterall she has that kissing part down pat.
Oh, I just love elections! Wouldn't it be fun if Dr. Karl Blythe whom basically everyone has written off, end up winning?