
Just me talking about the things that I observe as I go about the business of living.

Friday, September 22, 2006


I feel discouraged. I haven't studied in three days. I feel discouraged. So I've just been sleeping, waking up in the night to study but watching tv instead.

I've been averaging 60-odd% in the questions that I've been working. That's no good because the passmark is 75%. If I don't finish everything by April next year, I'll lose the other two that I've already passed.

Exam is 2 months away and I don't feel comfortable about any of the subjects.

Maybe I should do one in November instead of two, do the other one in January. But jeez, I wanted to enjoy my December. Who wants to be studying throughout the xmas season? Plus I want to enjoy the three days of Jazz Festival in January. Also, I wanted to avoid the additional plane fare to travel to the USA to do the exams. Oh sh_t!

I'm so scared of failing.

Very scared.
