Isn't it amazing how the world has turned completely around? Things that use to be abnormal is now par for the course. Example, there was a time when talking about sex in polite company was no-no (or was it that polite company didn't speak about sex?). Now, everyone's sex life is an open book. It's no longer a taboo subject and DJ's/rappers' favourite topic is their sexual prowess (even in cases where I'm sure it's proven that there is no prowess at all;)
Same thing for the way we dress. There was a time when women use to wear knickers as swim suits and was swathed in layers of clothes. The poor newly wed male would normally have a challenging time getting access to the goodies. Well, to be honest as a person who borders on being a nudist I'm happy about that change. I'm totally at peace swimming nude in Negril.
Now here's another example of how things change. I go sailing a couple Sundays each month with a friend who owns a boat/yatch. It's usually a small group comprising about 5 or 6 persons. There's usually one or two of his Jamaican white friends. Now Sunday last, I was so amused. Normally, we'd leave Lime Cay about 2pm in order to have enough wind to sail back home but this time we left quite late. After a few minutes of sailing we got stranded when the wind totally died (I'm not really a boater, I think that is referred to as 'becalmed'). The boat/yatch comes with an engine but there was some work being done on it. Anyway, no one seemed too worried (As a non-swimmer I was secretly alarmed but refused to let on that I was), we had rum & cigarettes for those who indulged and food, so we settled down to wait for someone to come along to give us a tow. Sure enough, there was a boat/yatch coming our way. Our host started joking with one of the 'Jamaican whites' on board telling her she's to ask for a tow since it was her kinda of people coming. Another of the 'whiteys' (no-offence meant here) joined in and was also encouraging her to ask since it was her type of people. Of course, a good-natured argument ensued between the two, as to who had more black running through their blood. Female in question (who looks quite caucasion) claiming her right to 'blackness' by saying that she's a browning and not white and pointing to the other person's green eyes saying that if a check was done, it would be proven that he's whiter than her.
Lol. Now all the the above was in jest of course and while we all laughed, I really couldn't help thinking that my ancestors would have been shocked to hear these near-whites/Jamaican-whites/whatever they are falling over themselves to claim a little melanin in their skin. Amazing isn't it?
Want proof that sensationalism sells the newspaper? Picture me, driving home one lunch time this week (I was sitting in my office all morning thinking of the ackee and banana meal I prepared myself before work, and just had to go home and get some more of it even though I work all the way downtown :)
I'm at the stop-light, salivating at the thought of the treat that I'd have in the next few minutes, wondering why the hell there were so many vehicles on the road (were they all going home to eat too?). Anyway, my eyes wandered to the Star lady by the side of the road and latched on to this headline
WIGNALL'S WILD WORLD. Wild??? I wondered about this as images of sex and other lascivious activities flitted across my mind. Why on earth would Mark Wignall one of the columnists that I must read every Sunday be involved in that? Now, I don't normally buy the Star, sticking instead of Observer and Gleaner. However, you should see me frantically rummaging through my bag with one hand, while waving the lady over with the other, all the while watching the light. It was a race against time. Finally, the elusive $20 coin turned up and I was able to make the exchange and satisfy my curiousity.
Then I had to do some acrobatics with my eyes and hands. So it was one hand steering, one eye watching the road, the other hand turning the page, the other eye reading. All that just to read about Mark Wignall's passenger (and I think partner) stripping to her skivvies to prevent the police from dragging away his uninsured, unlicenced, unfit vehicle. Not that it worked, as the police towed the woman semi-nekkid to the police station where a police woman coaxed her into putting on back her clothes.
Moral of the story - Sensational Headline Sells!!! (as if y'all didn't know).
Now here's proof that I need a man in my life and need to get that situation dealt with immediately.
I've been up from 2:00am updating my blog.
Who the hell does that??????
Ok, it's 3:46am, and I'm going back to bed.